Category: Alice and Finch

  • Alice and Finch (Alpha)

    Alice and Finch [Alpha] A Novel by Daniel Triumph Release Information: Early Rough Draft Copyright 2017-2024 Daniel Triumph  Dawn 1 Primary Dawn Alice was always a point of interest in the capital. During her childhood, she passively garnered followers, kids in the neighbourhood and later children from around the entire city. Alice was an energetic girl. She…

  • Alice and Finch: Tertiary Dusk 2 of 2

    Finch headed to the library nearly every day after his dad’s lessons. He studied the Solune Guard out of a book called The Minimum Standards of the Solune Guard, Pocket Edition. It seemed that for whatever reason, because he was a Riley, he was allowed to join at the age of fourteen. The Solune had…

  • Alice and Finch: Tertiary Dusk 1 of 2

    Secondary Dusk, Table of Contents On Secast, the first day of the weekend, Finch honoured his promise and met with Artus. He came to Finch’s house a few sixths after sunrise, and they headed south, to one of the public squares that was near the Conflict temple. He found himself enjoying their game of territory…

  • Alice and Finch: Secondary Dusk

    Finch headed to the library nearly every day after his dad’s lessons. He studied the Solune Guard out of a book called The Minimum Standards of the Solune Guard, Pocket Edition. It seemed that for whatever reason, because he was a Riley, he was allowed to join at the age of fourteen. The Solune had…

  • Alice and Finch: Primary Dusk

    Finch headed to the library nearly every day after his dad’s lessons. He studied the Solune Guard out of a book called The Minimum Standards of the Solune Guard, Pocket Edition. It seemed that for whatever reason, because he was a Riley, he was allowed to join at the age of fourteen. The Solune had…

  • Progress: Alice and Finch Dusk Releases

    Progress: Alice and Finch Dusk Releases

    Okay, one of the first projects on this blog was a trilogy of short stories called Alice and Finch. I’m not going to explain it here, because this post isn’t a summary, it’s an announcement. Alice and Finch will be compiled into a novellette, including the trilogy, Inck, and the Epilogue, running to about 10…

  • Table of Contents: Alice and Finch

    Alice and Finch This is the old Table of Contents for Alice and Finch. Most of the content linked here is not publicly available. Please see the current Table of Contents for your navigation ease. Alice and Finch is the story of a young boy who meets the village monster, only to find out that…